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Chemical Trendency

1. Fine chemicals might become main competitive field

Fine chemicals are the products of further deep processing of basic chemicals. They have the characteristics of high technical density, high added value, and fast updates. The application fields cover pesticides, dyes, coatings, pigments, reagents and high purity substances, food and feed additives, high-tech industries such as molecular materials. The development of the fine chemical industry is highly dependent on technological innovation, which is the strategic focus of the world's chemical industry development. Strengthening technological innovation, adjusting and optimizing the structure of fine chemical products, focusing on the development of high-performance, specialized, and green products, has become the current world fine chemical industry Important development measures are also the key direction of my country's chemical development in the future.

2. Energy conservation, environmental protection and production safety policies have become stricter, and industry integration, transformation and upgrading have been accelerated 

In recent years, the state has vigorously carried out environmental protection management work. With the gradual implementation of environmental protection review work, chemical companies have had to improve equipment and invest capital, and outdated production capacity that does not meet environmental protection standards has been eliminated one after another, and the industry has begun to show signs of industrial integration. Under the high pressure of the dual policy of stricter environmental protection and safety production supervision, chemical companies with substandard production, smaller scale and backward technology will accelerate their withdrawal from the market, and the speed of industry integration will accelerate significantly.


3. Green chemical industry and recycling chemical industry will be the main development direction

At present, the development of circular economy in the chemical industry has gradually become a global consensus, and it is also a major strategic decision for my country’s economic and social development. Against the background of increasingly severe environmental protection, my country is vigorously promoting the strategic thinking of sustainable development and promoting green chemicals and recycling. The concept of chemical production.

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